What The Experts Say

Little wonder that you’ve never been instructed to ‘stay awake’ on a problem. Instead, you are instructed to ‘sleep on it
Matthew Walker
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Powerof Sleep and Dreams
Sleep is one of the most important predictors of how long you will live - as important as whether you smoke, exercise, have high blood pressure or cholesterol.
William Dement
Sleep Scientist
...for reasons that are only now becoming clear, the brain state called REM sleep and the mental experience that goes along with it - dreaming - are normal biological and psychological processes, and truly essential ones...
Matthew Walker
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Powerof Sleep and Dreams
REM sleep, from which principal dreams emerge, certainly has many functions...But do dreams themselves, above and beyond REM sleep, actually do anything for us? As a matter of scientific fact, yes they do.
Matthew Walker
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Powerof Sleep and Dreams
Within the space of a mere hundred years, human beings have abandoned their biologically mandated need for adequate sleep - one that evolution spend 3,400,000 years perfecting in service of life-support functions. As a result, the decimation of sleep throughout industrialized nations is having a catastrophic impact on our health, our life expectancy, our safety, our productivity, and the education of our children...
...This silent sleep loss epidemic is the greatest public health challenge we face in the twenty-first century in developed nations. If we wish to avoid the suffocating noose of sleep neglect, the premature death it inflicts, and the sickening health it invites, a radical shift in our personal, cultural, professional, and societal appreciation of sleep must occur...
...I believe it is time for us to reclaim our right to a full night of sleep, without embarrassment or the damaging stigma of laziness. In doing so, we can be reunited with that most powerful elixir of wellness and vitality, dispensed through every conceivable biological pathway. Then we may remember what it feels like to be truly awake during the day, infused with the very deepest plenitude of being.
Matthew Walker
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Powerof Sleep and Dreams
When people imagine practicing a skill or sport during “lucid dreaming,” the state in which asleeping person recognizes he’s in a dream and takescontrol of it, their performance in thatactivity improves in real life.
Daniel Erlacher
Sleep & Dream Researcher,Harvard Business Review
If we want to produce the engineers, athletes, scientists,writers, and other great talents of tomorrow, we need to start taking seriously the rest and recovery of our young people.
Nick Little Hales
Elite Sports Sleep Coach,SLEEP
A well-spent day brings happy sleep.
Leonardo Da Vinci
We are the supremely arrogant species; we feel we can abandon four billion years of evolution and ignore the fact that we have evolved under a light-dark cycle. What we do as a species, perhaps uniquely, is override the clock. And long-term acting against the clock can lead to serious health problems.
Professor Russell Foster
University of Oxford
We do know that lucid dreaming can be a lot of fun, that it can be used to treat nightmares, foster creativity, and perhaps even improve motor skills.
Dr. Antonio Zadra
When Brains Dream
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